Dr Jennifer Glover

Warwickshire, Oxford, Coventry, Derby & Leicester

How much will it cost?

Child Initial Assessment – £250 

This includes a 60 minute session where an understanding will be gained of your concerns in relation to your child’s presentation, as well as time spent with your child to understand their views and concerns. A summary report including a psychological formulation and recommendations is then provided.

Adult Initial Assessment – £250


This includes a 60 minute session to understand your concerns and areas you would like support with. A summary report including a psychological formulation and recommendations is then provided.

Child Session – £100


50 minute session including allocated time to feedback to parents at the end of each session

Adult Session – £100


50 minute psychological therapy session

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment – £1700


This includes a full neurodevelopment history, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) assessment, clinical interview, discussion with school, standardised measures completed by parents and school, a comprehensive report inclusive of recommendations and guidance. The assessment is completed in line with NICE guidance and includes a multi-professional discussion. The resultant diagnosis is accepted by the local authority and other agencies.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment – £750


This includes a clinical interview with parents, observation of the young person, standardised questionnaires, liaison with school, QB check assessment and a comprehensive report including recommendations. A referral for medication can also be made.The assessment is completed in line with NICE guidance and the resultant diagnosis is accepted by the local authority and other agencies.

Combined ASD and ADHD Assessment – £2250


This is only available for under 18’s and includes a full clinical interview and neurodevelopment history, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) assessment,  discussion with school, standardised measures completed by parents and school, and a comprehensive report inclusive of recommendations and guidance. The assessment is completed in line with NICE guidance and includes a multi-professional discussion. The resultant diagnosis is accepted by the local authority and other agencies.

Child playing with blocks